Hilleary To Radical Left-Wing: Stand down.

Date: Dec. 6, 2005
Location: Murfreesboro, TN

Hilleary To Radical Left-Wing: Stand down.

Posted on December 06, 2005

Desert Storm Vet Vows to Defend Military's Right to Recruit

Murfreesboro, TN - As the Supreme Court hears arguments to decide whether the U.S. government may withhold funds from colleges that ban military recruiters from campus Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Van Hilleary today spoke out against the anti-war, left-wing radicals who are mounting a full court press to get military recruiters out of our schools. Hilleary also pointed out that this is yet another example of why we need to confirm conservative people to the bench that will interpret the Constitution and not legislate from the bench.

"Anti-war liberals have stooped to a new low. In an effort to pursue their own radical agenda they are willing to put America at risk. We are fighting a shooting war and the military must be able to recruit our best and brightest from college campuses. Banning the military from our campuses is unconscionable and un-American," said Hilleary. "This is just another example of the liberals using the Courts to try and enact a radical liberal agenda that they cannot pass through the legislative process and it once again illustrates to all of us how important it is that we confirm people to the bench who will strictly interpret the Constitution."

The Supreme Court will decide whether universities that accept government money can ban military recruiting from their campuses. The latest appeal pits the Pentagon against a group of law schools and liberal professors. The dispute between the Defense Department and a group representing about 30 law schools tests the Solomon Amendment, which was passed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to ensure that military recruiters get the same treatment as corporate recruiters. Hilleary voted for the Solomon amendment. The passage of the Solomon amendment led a group of approximately 30 law schools called the Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR) to sue Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

A U.S. district court sided with the government, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit later reversed the ruling and sided with the law schools.

"Congress has the right to condition federal funds. The left is just looking for ways to pursue its radical anti-military, pro-gay agenda through the courts and they are doing so at the expense of our national security," said Hilleary. "The anti-war, left-wing radicals are mounting a full court press to get military recruiters out of our schools. They are pushing school boards to kick recruiters out of public high schools. They are lobbying legislators. And today they are arguing before the United States Supreme Court. These extremist liberals pose a great threat to our country. They must be stopped. In the U.S. Senate, I will fight the anti-military leftists every step of the way. I'll stop them from undermining our military. And I'll make sure we confirm federal judges who defend our military and our freedom."

Van Hilleary, a Desert Storm veteran and a four-term Congressman, has built a reputation as a straight-talking sincere conservative who stands his ground. In Washington, he was a leader in Class of '94, which enacted a conservative agenda that lowered taxes, reformed welfare and balanced the federal budget for the first time in a generation. Van opposed President Clinton's left-wing agenda on the Budget and Armed Services Committees.

Van has always been an advocate of private property rights and of the pro-life cause. At home in Tennessee, Hilleary has been one of the state's leading and most outspoken conservatives - standing up to Don Sundquist and Jimmy Naifeh when they tried to impose a state income tax, even as many other prominent Republicans stood by in silence. Van is a long-time grass-roots party leader. He campaigned for legislative challengers across the state, including challengers to Democrat leaders John Wilder and Jimmy Naifeh, while other leading Republicans refused to help in those tough races.

Hilleary starts out the race in the strongest political position, holding a 13-point advantage over Ed Bryant and a 23-point advantage over Bob Corker in valid, scientific, primary polls.

